13 August 2009

Annie Hall (1977)

Anyway, there isn't much to say about Annie Hall except that it is one of my favorite movies and it's awesome. I wouldn't write about it except that it acts as 50% of the total movies I've watched in this town. I'm so ashamed. Things are busy, though, you know?

It is always a good idea to watch movies about the east coast when you live on a coast where the only cultural advantage is to make a right turn on red.

This is where we watched Annie Hall. Our house has 7 rooms, but we use this one for everything, including movie watching and sleep and fashion shows.

Here is a fashion show about movies.

5/5 pizzas


  1. Brooklyn's not expanding. BUT what about Seattle??

  2. Christ, you guys have been in a house for less than a week and already you have curtains. it took me 3 months
