26 October 2009

Glen or Glenda (1953)

This movie was way wacky. Maybe I am kind of getting into watching Ed Wood movies, but I probably won't consume them at a rate quicker than 1 per month. Anyway, this movie is pretty odd. It's hosted by Bela Lugosi ala Masterpiece Theater. He tells the story of Glen/da, who is a man transitioning to be a woman. I guess this is loosely based on Christine Jorgensen's story, also.

Going into this, I thought the narrative would inevitably be transphobic, at least with posters advertising it as a "strange" case of a "man." Most of the film does treat Glenda as a freak, but there are a couple of glimpses into Ed Wood's maybe interesting opinions about trans issues. As far as I know, he was into wearing ladies' clothes, but he still identified as a man. Once or twice in the film, the narrator makes it clear that changing your gender does not make you weird, strange, or unnatural. He even states that humans do a lot of unnatural things, like drive cars or wear make up, so why is changing one's gender so wrong?

P.S. This movie is #366 this year, so I guess I've surpassed my goal of watching 365 movies.

3/5 pizzas

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