OH MY GOD. This is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Not only is Dustin Hoffman looking like a babe in jogging shorts for most of it, but his character is
tearin' shit up too. Plus he's doing his dissertation, so no big deal. All I can say is that I was on the edge of my seat from the first five minutes, and even though it's a tad long [over 2 hours], I didn't feel antsy once. One of my friend's friends tests a movie's quality based on how sore her bum is by the end, or rather, if she notices how sore her bum is. Well, suffice it to say that I forgot I even had a bum. This movie is close to perfect -- splendid acting from Dustin, Roy
Scheider, William
Devane [who looks just like my grandpa], and of course Mr. Dr. Sir. Laurence Olivier as the Nazi
Szell [pronounced
Zell]. In all the
best movies, the Nazis have last names
similar to mine. Just
Besides having a gripping, coherent plot, fantastic acting, and New York as its setting,
Marathon Man is shot beautifully. I gasped [well, in my head] repeatedly during the movie, thinking just how gorgeous that baby carriage looked after that explosion, or how rad that lighted fountain in that office park was. Nice job, John Schlesinger. Make another movie with Dustin already [I like to imagine they are best friends.]

I just have one question, and I think you all know what it is:
Is it safe?