21 July 2009

Another Blog About Movies. Great.

Hi pals. Nicole Zeller here, embarking upon a new internet journey. As a twenty-two-year-old person who loves movies more than anything, I felt that it was about time to start one of those web logs. You are probably wondering why it took someone who has an okay relationship with the internet so long to get a blog [isn't I Can Haz Cheezburger just the best?]. I mean, I've got to keep up with the times, especially in this age in which you can't walk into your friend's bathroom without seeing him reading the internet in his left hand and brushing his teeth with his right.

Anyway, here is what I plan to do: 1. Watch movies, probably on average 1 to 3 a day [5 a day as long as I'm (f)unemployed]. 2. Review them -- quickly, harshly, with snap judgements, etc. 3. Rate them via the 5-star pizza pie system. 4. Sometimes talk about feminism and issues. This may upset some people, but tough noogies. Also, I will try my best not to completely copy other people's blogs.


  1. Robba the hutt just called. She wants to remind you that Patti Smith was not a feminist.

  2. I Can Haz Cheezburger can suck it. "Hiii my name is Nicole, and I love movies but what I really love more than movies is animal humor." That's pretty much all I'm getting from this blog.

  3. 1-3 movies a day! what a life we used to live
