Marilyn Monroe + Joseph Cotten + Mondo Waterfalls + Murder Mystery = good movie, right? Not really. It was really just okay. Let me explain: Marilyn Monroe and Joseph Cotten are married. JC has a problem with neuroses and Marilyn Monroe is philandering [surprise surprise]. Marilyn Monroe tries to have her husband killed ala Double Indemnity, and things go awry. Watch Double Indemnity instead, or Superman 2 at that matter, as it takes place at the same locale. I have to admit, however, that the closing scene is very suspenseful -- -two people are stuck in a boat that is about to go over the falls.
You may be wondering why I even watched this movie. Well, I was talking to my grandma and she watches movies. Like, she has a Netflix account and all. Anyway, right after my dad was born, she moved onto a chicken farm with my g-pa and 1-year-old dad. By the way, this chicken farm belonged to an Aunt Bea in my family. Yeah, really. She didn't remember all that much about this chicken farm, but she does remember taking my dad to a drive-in to see Niagara.
You may be wondering why I even watched this movie. Well, I was talking to my grandma and she watches movies. Like, she has a Netflix account and all. Anyway, right after my dad was born, she moved onto a chicken farm with my g-pa and 1-year-old dad. By the way, this chicken farm belonged to an Aunt Bea in my family. Yeah, really. She didn't remember all that much about this chicken farm, but she does remember taking my dad to a drive-in to see Niagara.
2/5 pizzas

Joseph Cotton and Marilyn Monroe in Niagara....:::eyebrows::: :::glasses::::....i get it.