I know everyone loves this movie, but Carmel Curtis [of the
Brattle] and I lean towards not liking it. At best, it's just an average movie with substantial political commentary. I even started off liking District 9, since its documentary style was reminiscent of The Office, just plus aliens. For the most part, however, I thought the plot was a little ridiculous and melodramatic. There were a couple of points in the film when I was really excited -- when
Wikus teams up with the aliens, when they try to break into the government building, stuff like that.
Despite its commitment to illustrating apartheid and racial tensions via human and alien relations, District 9 was a really racist movie. What a coincidence that the black people in the movie [the Nigerians] just happened to be wearing leopard print clothing, did tribal dancing, were into voodoo, and liked to eat aliens. They were just so
animalistic! Ugh, gross, District 9. How could you do this?

My mother married an alien. Tell me how that's racist?