Disappointed! My dumb friends recommended this movie as being "awesome," but I really thought it wasn't. I only called them dumb because they must have poor judgment skills from time to time. Maybe they're just misinformed. My problem with this movie was that Jeff
Goldblum was in it for about 10 minutes. Also, the plot was incredibly convoluted -- too convoluted to be an interesting or fun Sci-
Fi movie. Peter Weller is not a good actor either. And John
Lithgow does a shitty shitty
fake Italian accent. Alright, so there are multiple problems.
The only funny thing about Buckaroo
Bonzai besides the title is that Jeff
Goldblum's cowboy character is from Fort Lee, NJ.
2/5 pizzas

we actually might have to break up. no really, i don't know what to do with this information. do you realize that it has YOUR BOYFRIEND WEARING COWBOY BOOTS? And the plot was not convoluted. Were you awake for it???? because it's pretty easy to follow. what are we going to do with our friendship?
ReplyDeleteI can settle this. You are both wrong!
ReplyDeleteI loved this movie.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to copy a Bigboote album for you now.
Your "dumb friends?" That's not how it works actually - you're our dumb friend