As you may know, this movie is full of offensive things: The use of the homophobic F word, objectification in the worst ways [see above photo], the glorification of the Frat boy/stoner as hero, racist jokes concerning Asian Americans, and my personal favorite, the classification of an MTF transgender stripper as "gender challenged." Great Job, Jesse and Chester. Also, the plot was super silly, and I don't think I laughed once. Now, you may be thinking that I am being too harsh on this movie, and that I just don't like movies of this ilk. AU CONTRAIRE! May I remind you that Can't Hardly Wait and Austin Powers continue to be on my Top Whatever Lists. So there.
0 fucking pizzas
This movie is so dumb. I warned you. Also, didn't you watch this one time that I shouldn't mention right here, right now. Or you were going to watch it??