Alright, just look at this picture. Geena Davis looks adorable and dorky and maybe even sweet, so you think this movie is going to be all of those things. At best it's quirky, and at worst it patriarchal, boring, and excessively goofy. It had so much potential though: Geena Davis + My Boyfriend + Jim Carrey + Damon Wayans + 80s-tastic clothes and hair + aliens = probably a great story. Unfortunately, all of these choice ingredients did not make a good movie. Here is what happened. 1. Both the plot and characters are victims of The Patriarchy. Geena is looking for "Mr Right" and will do anything, including change her whole identity to win him. Even when her boyfriend is having an affair, she wants to please him and begs him not to leave her. Problems! Plus, most of the women in this movie are ogled by Jim Carrey and Damon Wayans. Gross 2. Most importantly, this movie is A MUSICAL! Why didn't anyone tell me?
1/5 pizzas
Man, this movie sounds pretty great. Whad happened? Anyways, here are a few things to cleanse your pallet:
The best part about this movie was how I fell asleep and didn't have to watch it.