Claire's Knee is part of Rohmer's series the Six Moral Tales. Supposedly they are all based on Sunrise in that the dudes in the movies are (about to get) married and consider being or actually are unfaithful. In Claire's Knee, this dude Jerome who looks like a young version of my great Uncle Enzo flirts with the idea of being with two young girls [15 and 18]. Icky! He only does this because his friend is a novelist and prompts him to act out a story she is writing about the same subject [doing it]. Nothing sexual happens, which decreases the ick factor, but Jerome becomes obsessed with the older girl's knee.
The best thing about this movie besides all of the weird desire and tension is Jerome's impressive array of pullovers. The blue is the best.

4/5 pizzas
pullovers > aliens + jeff goldblum + john lithgow + rock and roll + suicide attempts??? WRONG
ReplyDeleteCarmel's right - check your work before you turn it in.