This movie was almost 100% dumb, except that it had Steve Zahn and it dealt with serious issues about problems. But then Steve Zahn went and ruined the movie by having a pony tail and telling his students in art class that "This is the place where you can find your soul." Barf. Combined with all the teen angst, mediocre script, and terrible-with-a-capital-T acting, I pretty much barfed all over myself when I watched this movie. Oh well.
1/5 pizzas
I think my favorite thing about this movie was how awesome this movie was.
ReplyDeleteI guess some people who CLAIM to care about lady issues think that getting raped is NBFD.
Actually, what I said was:
ReplyDeleteThis movie was almost 100% dumb, except that it had Steve Zahn and it dealt with serious issues about problems.
I guess you and your soul don't care about ladies, Nicole.