Geez, fellas, I'm sorry I've been away from the
internet for over a month [not that you've noticed]. I guess I've been interacting with humans a lot [it's good for my social development?] along with watching a couple of awesome
tv shows. Also,
Friendsgiving happened, so that was a thing that took a lot of non-blogging time. Excuses, excuses. Here's the deal: I finally broke 400 movies.
Way back in October I saw a little movie called
Antichrist. It's directed by a d-bag named Lars Von Trier. He's kind of a big misogynist, yet I still have the urge to watch his
movies. Maybe we've all seen
Antichrist at this point, and we've all read our friend's
post about it, so I won't divulge too much. This movie is about the woods,
doin it, misogyny, and the devil. Here is a picture of a place in Vancouver that pretty much looks like where the movie took place [outside of Seattle, P.S.].

2/5? pizzas