Showing posts with label breasts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breasts. Show all posts

22 August 2009

Supervixens (1975)

Having seen only one other Russ Meyer movie [Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!], I kind of wanted to see others, since I like watching movies and since 90% of movies from the 1970s are some kind of 'sploitation movies. That is an actual statistic.

As far as I can tell, Meyer's movies are mostly misogynistic, silly, and not that exciting [even though I like Faster Pussycat just okay]. Nevertheless, I watched Supervixens. What a bad decision! Lots of misogyny and violence, people. NOT COOL. Also, this movie was over 2 hours and extremely dumb. It's in the running for one of my top 5 least favorite movies.

0/5 pizzas